31 January 2010

Thanksgiving 2009

Aiden showing us the turkey he drew...
Heidi was one of our visitors this year too!

We had a really nice, very low key Thanksgiving here this year. Collin and I made food and we had Carlos Sr. and Jr. over for dinner. The food was yummy...I must say we did a really good job! My stuffing tasted alot like my Gammy's used to taste. I think I am getting the hang of making it. Our meal was turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potato souffle, cranberry relish and of course, some pumpkin pie!

My favorite photo from the day...
Finn is helping me stuff that bird!

21 January 2010

Lunch out with Nana and playing some baseball...

Went to church this morning w/ Nana and afterwards ate some yummy Ah-So sushi. The kids had fun playing with the holiday topiaries and then, later there was an exciting game of little people baseball out in the front of our house! The boys had a lot of fun-little and big!

Finn about to slam the ball!

Collin was the pitcher...
the boys were hilarious running the bases! That's Joe and Jackson playing with them.

Marg and the boys

Aiden and Mommy

Finn and Nana

And a few poses for the camera! er, um sort of...

17 Nov 2009
Finn's Surgery...

... the tubes were in his ears for two years. Most times they will fall out or dislodge on their own but his stayed put. So...because children will often let dr.'s remove one but then not the other b/c it is so painful, his dr. wanted to schedule surgery to remove the tubes. This worked out to our advantage as we discovered that his adenoids were "huge" (docs word). So we had those removed at the same time the tubes were taken out. Finn was a little trooper as he always is! Quite pitiful and teary when he was coming out of the anesthesia...lots of sobbing/crying and not really knowing why. He had some cartoons, a yummy cold popsicle and his favorite toy of the moment 'Bumblebee' to pass the requisite time before we could leave.
We anticipated some pain and maybe a little sickness from the effects of the anesthesia but their was really none. I think I gave him two doses of the pain meds and that was it. Finn had a great recovery and now you can't hear him snorfling and whumpfeling in his sleep anymore! :)

16 January 2010

16 January~~~The work is paying off!

Our training and hard work is finally paying off! This morning at 7:15 Sara, Elizabeth and I ran the last long run before the half marathon next weekend. Wow! My body is sore! It looks like I may have acid reflux disease...couple of blisters on my toe tips, a very sore and aching left knee and foot...Ahh! But so near to success!! The run today was 10 miles and we did it down the long, long road that is the entrance to Yuma Proving Grounds. We ran about 10 minute miles...slightly slower than last week but we also made a few small stops this time. For me (mentally) this was a long run!

10 January 2010

Finn turns 3!! Three! 3

It was this little free spirit's birthday in November...
we celebrated down at Cox Field with his friends and family and had ourselves a grand time!
Lots of parachute guys, balls and balloons!
The kids hit the pinata around...
...snacked on pizza...

...played with little parachute guys...
...more pinata strikes for the birthday boy...

..and a seriously cool Spiderman cake!

then it was time to plan strategy for the game of Tug-o-War!
Everyone had fun!
...especially that little guy in the lite blue shirt who began his third year in this life!
Happy 3rd Birthday Finn!!
Your guests today were: Adam and Emily Mikkelsen, Jackson Becker, Nate and Taylor Biddinger, Taylor Roby, and Kate Douge
Sara, Elizabeth and I after the run.

Here we are before the 5K run...