02 March 2010

An update, sort of...

Aiden not long after his FIRST tooth came out!

Finn giving me his little mischief look~ climbing a hill in a park in San Diego

Collin, looking reminiscent of Rhett Butler! Wearing the skinny mustache from his "Let's see who can grow the worst mustache" contest week at work. He might kill me for posting this photo...

    Well I did a pretty good job of getting my end of 2009 photos up... I thought I was going to be able to get caught up enough to blog more regularly. Well, that hasn't happened. It is now the 2nd of March already. March!! It was just January awhile ago! I am really starting to feel the squwinch of time. Mainly because we are on a clock that is speeding down to moving time!
    Every day that goes by is another day closer to us leaving YPG. And that makes me really sad, among other emotions. So, it has really been on my mind lately as well as the stress of the home building. Just the decisions that must be made for the house... it seems like they go on and on and on and on! So many to make and my worry over making the wrong choices about stuff...well...I am really trying to work over that and to just do it! I imagine that it would be much easier if we had an interior designer who was guiding us along the selection-way...but we don't. It is Collin and I and our computer and the limited selections of hands-on stuff here in Yuma. Collin has been about to put me in the back of the bus as I have not been doing the work needed to get all the decisions made...is it a sub-conscious thing? seeing as I would be quite content to stay right here...not sure about that but I am trying to improve.

    The boys are both doing very well these days. Loving life and living each day to capacity...they both just go full bore through the day. We have been quite entertained by them lately. The other day Collin had his shirt off and we were all hanging out in Finn's room and Aiden said..."Daddy, why do you have black grass growing there?" (from his armpit)! Hahahahahah! We roared about that! It was hilarious and said with such honesty and frankness...I mean, of course it looks like black grass!!!
     Aiden is reading basic 3-7 words now, on his own. He sounds out each letter when figuring words he doesn't recognize right away...puh-ohhh-kuh...just an example... :) He is learning to count to 100, by 2's, 5's and 10's and he has finished a journal from his class that they write in every morning at school.
     Finn is doing great in our co-op preschool. We are almost at the end of the alphabet and he can almost sing the whole alphabet song with all the letters in the right place. His letter tracing has improved hugely and he holds his pencil/crayon like a veteran writer now.  Miss Sara took the kids out to the terminal last week and the C-130 pilots shut down the plane for a bit and let the kids get on and sit in the plane and see the cockpit, etc. They had a blast! Hope to get some photos from that experience.

     If it is possible I am feeling so much more the essence of time slipping right through my hands with the boys. I am really trying to be in the moment with them... to play when I can and read with them and walk and talk with them. I see them growing up before my eyes and it just is so sad!! bittersweet and wonderful too to watch them grow into these neat little people with their own personalities. I find myself kissing cheeks alot more, hugging more and trying to learn more about what is going on in those little heads. It is hard to watch and know that the days of the baby/toddler-Finn and toddler/preschooler-Aiden are slipping away from me. It will probably always be like this as I watch them, God willing, grow up. My sweet little boys.

The boys and I at Balboa Park...Aiden got sick quite impromptu on the way here...but that's another story.

Our family photo in the mirror at our hotel...

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