These are challenging days of late here at the McCafferty household. Little boys challenging authority, wanting to be the decision makers, plan deciders, alpha males...! sigh! Lots of not listening going on...singing to the tune of their own agendas (Aiden mostly on this one), talking to us as if he (Aiden) is an adult, making demands without a "please, can you...", getting angry when not getting own way... Finn is struggling with being told no... he also cares not to listen quite often of late. Then when he is punished (put in the corner) he completely cries his eyes out! this for small and big infractions alike! for some reason too he objects to trying to go pee in the potty...even when we've been trying to do it first thing every morning when he gets up, "NO! I don't want to!", then we have some words and either he comes around to doing it himself or a little help and persuasion is given and mostly, he is successful! not sure why he is so resistant to this...he likes his pull-ups too! he doesn't want me dressing him anymore either. no, huh-uh. don't even try putting the shirt over his head... " I wantto doit!!" and honestly he is doing a great job... so I say, go on ahead!
I know they are going through stages, Finn for sure. Aiden's behavior of late has been a little harder to gauge. He is such a big boy and so independent in thought and action that I often have to remind myself (the Mom!) that he is still a little boy! Yes he is five and going into Kindergarten this year and getting taller all the time but 5 is still 5 and very young! He is pushing boundaries and testing limits and we are his border patrol agents! :)
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