25 January 2009

The Eggs

I'm not sure how it started but...Aiden loves eggs. And I don't mean he loves to eat eggs...although he does enjoy them. No, at this point in time, he loves to touch the eggs. "Mommy, can I play with the eggs?". Ummmm...yes, ok.
This morning he was up before 6 am and I got him back in his room w/ orders to read his books for awhile..."it's too early for you to be up"...
5 minutes later the kitchen light is on and Collin goes and repeats the process...this time he stays there in his room until coming into ours 45 minutes later requesting water...we hang out for a few minutes and then Collin discovers the carton of eggs in Aiden's room...
Mind you, this is not the first time he has snuck the eggs out of the refrigerator...in the last 3 days its happened several times and I don't know what precipitated it...
At any rate...he loves to hold the eggs! When I told my Mom she said " Well who can blame him!? They're hard and cold and smooth to touch! Why wouldn't he want to hold the eggs?"
It's a rationale I can't really argue with since we are talking about a 4 1/2 y/o boy here...
I just don't want to have to clean them up when they break!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Snikkity - we love the blog and enjoy your musings on eggs, donuts and visiting misguided democrats from California. Thanks for doing this and all the other photos and thoughts you've sent over the years. It was nice of you to include us in your lives. Since Aiden is currently obsessed with eggs, you might try the pinhole - blow out the egg trick at easter. Did you do that as a kid? We'll stay tuned... uh - sorry about that url - don't know how that happened - my bad...
