I am going to attempt to document our lives this week. Going off of http://aliedwards.typepad.com/_a_/
A Week In The Life. I did it in 2008 when our lives were slightly more settled than they are right now. We'll see how far I get with this week's attempt. I hope to at least get it on to the blog and then later I can go back and put it in a little book. Hopefully! :)
7:00am Early morning...waiting on breakfast
Grannony having coffee
8:50am-Finn at the clinic waiting to be seen for a yucky cold/cough and fever
9:45- back home and Granonny and Daddy are home relaxing-Collin had an early morning, was in at 5 for the grouping class and wasn't needed for the remainder of the days jumps.
10 am-Finn really felt bad today. He's been running a fever and has had a clear runny nose with a yucky cough. His eyes were all bloodshot from a bad night of sleep as well.
11:20 Collin and I went to the gym together for our workouts. Granonny stayed home with Finn.
1:30-After lunch we started working on packing a couple of boxes for our upcoming move. Aiden assisted while Finn was taking a much needed nap.
4:30- Collin and Aiden went to pick up the mail from our po box and picked up Aiden's new favorite friend Hailey to come over and play for awhile. Collin is instructing them on the art of rock-paper-scissors so they can determine who will go first for a game of hide-n-go-seek.
5:00- I am trying to get Finn to do something (can't remember what) and Granonny is saying..."Leave him alone!" Poor little pinckus...he's been more pitiful today than I've seen him in a long time. Ok Granonny, I will leave him be.
5:30- Collin was working the dinner tonight. Salmon, roasted red potatoes and spinach salad. Tonight we ate a little earlier than normal. No reason for that except hunger.
6:40pm- dinner is done and mostly cleaned up. Granonny promised Aiden they could make a pan of brownies. He got to lick the bowl!
It's a really good night for Aiden!
Bedtime for the boys after this...Finn was in watching the rest of Toy Story, his new current favorite movie, sipping on some ginger ale. He didn't hardly eat a thing today.
8:00 pm Mom, Collin and I sat down and did some more work on final decisions for paint colors and finishes for the new house. Filled out a paper of questions for our builder and then got ready for bed. 8:40pm we watched an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm...it was kind of a lame episode. Off to bed.
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