25 April 2010

Week In the Life-Thursday

Today I kept a running time tally of events of our day...

5:22am-  I am awake...Collin left at 5:15 and sleep would not come back to me. I make coffee, let Sally out and give her kibbles, start a load of laundry and grab my cuppa and sit down to check the news.
5:48-Finn is crying, he needs to pee...then I set him up with Toy Story as he won't go back to sleep
6:30-work on my To-Do's list, start a letter to Thomas
6:45-get dressed and make bed then load photos from yesterday-here's our room with the very early morning light starting to filter in
7:05- Aiden is up, I start breakfast and make his lunch for school
7:45- getting boys dressed and out the door...some days I hate this part!
7:58-we are out the door, Aiden rides his bike and I take Finn and Sally for a little morning walk
Oddly enough it is very overcast and almost 60 degrees this morning. I made Aiden wear pants which he so dislikes! 
8:30- We are home and I prep for kids to come, tidy up kitchen,etc.
9:00-boys are here, Taylor not coming as Teresa just wants to make sure she doesnt pick up any cold as she will be cared for by grandparents nxt couple of wks, talk to her on phone about her neck surgery next week!! Saying a prayer about that!
9:25- the boys are playing and I finally sit down to a bowl of cereal
9:50- Collin sneaks up on the boys who are playing out on the trampoline...
they knew it was him growling at them through the fence though! haha! We talk house bits and I fold laundry...
11:30-the boys had snack of yogurt and animal crackers and Collin quizzed them on a variety of misc. things...we head down to the park to play for awhile and visit with these gals...
Andrea, Tricia and little Reagan
...while the kids play in the sand and chase each other
12:20- kids are back with parents and I switch out with Collin and get ready to go work out with Sara and Elizabeth down at the gym
1:05 we smoke ourselves doing some circuit training...dips/flutter kicks/box jumps/abs and then some cardio on the treadmill afterwards...I am done by the time we head home
2:40- I am home after chatting with the girls in front of Sara's...we have an issue with Aiden that we talk over together and then with him
...sigh... parenting is SO challenging at times!
3:15-Collin and Aiden go down to the clinic to see Doc Jones about his bicep tendonitis and pick up the mail. I fiddle about and have some tea.
4:12- Get Finn up. I let him sleep a long time as he is still recovering from his cold. We read a book and then he helps me make some bread (box) for dinner.
4:25 - I take a shower and Finn comes in too...he is crabby and not so pleasant acting.
4:40- Collin and Aiden return from errands with groceries. Collin starts dinner.
4:55- I fold laundry and Finn joins me on the couch for some snuggles and we play with his goggles...
the boys go outside and play with all the tree limbs the yard workers cut down today and I doze for a few minutes on the couch 
5:20-get the boys ready for t-ball and they head out the door
6:05- I set Collin up for dinner as he will be bringing the Mikkelsen kids home with him from t-ball while Elizabeth and I are at the FRG meeting. I get my self ready and 6:25 I'm out the door.
the meeting is here...
and I get to meet and hold this little guy for the first time...
Tully Carr... So sweet!
We talk about alot...Family Day is Saturday and the Marriage Retreat is coming in May plus the changing of positions in the FRG...
8:15 - I am home and I fill Collin in on everything after kissing the boys goodnight in their beds
Collin always sets himself up for success the night before a work day... :)
I am tired tonight and ready to get into bed...
The clock says 9:26 and it's 59 degrees outside...my windowsill over the kitchen sink where Aiden has his avocado pit and is hoping for some roots to begin... and I am off to bed

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